How I Got Freedom At 24 (and you can too)
Hi, if we haven't met my name is Gabe Bult and 8 years ago I had nothing, no money, no formal education ( Including not finishing high school) and no real skills to speak of.
Fast forward to today and I was able to leave my day job at 24, have my wife leave her job and spend my days doing things I love like spending time with my new baby daughter and doing just 1-3 days a week working for money.
Contrary to what it sounds like I didn't do anything crazy. We were able to do this even before my youtube channel took off by doing a few simple things like living extremely frugally, house hacking, using side hustles and leveraging my time to create a lifestyle that has very low expenses and therefore doesn't need a lot of income to cover our lives.
It lets us do what we want with our time whether that's taking 3 months to travel ✈️ to just enjoying our days and spending only a few hours working, leaving time for the things that matter.
This is my blueprint for reaching financial independence, with every topic I could think of that got me to where i am today.
This Works!
If you go though this whole course and this doesn't make/save you more money then the course costs in the first 30 days return it no questions asked.
What you get.
✅ How to completely change your mindset to make making progress in your finances automatic.
✅ How to simplify your finances and make a financial plan.
✅ A complete guide to frugal living
✅ How to rethink your "job" and start earning more.
✅ The basics of House Hacking.
✅ A simple guide to investing for early retirement.
And as always, your full satisfaction guaranteed or a FULL REFUND within 30 days no questions asked!
Frequently asked questions.
How long do i have access to the course?
you have it till you die. No like legit you have access across all devices that you own for a lifetime.
When does the course start and end?
Well it starts now and never ends! This is a go at your own pace so you can binge it in a day or take your time and go step by step. I'm Also adding new content as it comes up so you can check back every now and then.
What if i hate it?
This course if for you, so if you feel unsatisfied for any reason you can reach out to us within 30 days and you can get a refund